Thanks to my background in business technology, I have develop a systematic, data driven approach to photo and video production in order to utilize social media data from the conceptualization of a production to the performance analysis of its impact.
I have worked all types of video & photo productions. For a list of all these services please visit my "services" tab.
I've always been fascinated on how videos can capture the attention of an audience. Regardless of it being a movie, a home video, or a TV ad these videos can contain an amazing power to influence people by educating or exposing them to infinite possibilities. From a young age, I knew this power, and I always wanted to do something that is related to video production. I just didn't know where to start. Thanks to the internet, I found out that there are countless disciplines involved in the video-making process, so when I arrived to college, I decided to study all the disciplines that I could manage in order to expand my knowledge in that area.
I studied graphic design, communications, film and audio production as well as computer science, business administration, and accounting. Overall, i decided to study anything that could helped me understand how a Video/Photo business work. I'm not claiming to be an expert in any of these subjects, but thankfully, people started noticing my motivation and gave me the opportunity to work in TV shows as a camera director, in Marketing as a graphic designer and audio editor, and also Accounting as an accounting assistant.
So at the end of my college career, I arrived at the conclusion that I HAD to graduate in order to land a job that could pay off my student loan. In Puerto Rico, there aren't many work opportunities for students in the Film or Production industry, so I graduated from Computer Science. My plan was that in a few years working as the IT of a company, I could save enough money to buy my own production equipment and start making videos or photos. Little did I know, I got the chance to work in a well-known Ad Agency as the IT manager.
Believe me, I had no contacts in that company or industry. I was as surprised as anyone else that they would give me the opportunity to work, but I decided that I was not going to let the agency down. I worked almost 280 hours per month and managed to put the company at the forefront of technology and cyber security by changing all their computer systems and improving all their services by optimizing their workflow with new protocols and technology.
As my confidence and determination grew, I decided to analyze some production services that the company was outsourcing, so I created a feasible plan to cut back on outsourcing, invest in production equipment and save money. The only problem the President of McCANN Worldgroup had with my plan was that they would had to hire a Photographer, Videographer, Editor, Audio Engineer and Director, which was expensive. I told him that I had some background in production, and that I could do all of the tasks. He decided to put his trust on me again and gave me a chance to be the leader in the department. Overall, McCANN’s Production Department improved. The department grew enough and expanded quickly, thus, the company allowed me to construct an audio recording studio and a video editing studio. As a result, McCann expanded its in house services even more.
Having the exposure to practice all of these disciplines, has been a unique and rewarding experience. Now, when I hire other artists I know exactly the person for the job. With this in mind, I believe I can change things for the better, and I can find ways to reach the client’s goal. Finally, I search for the undeniable trust in people in order for them to seek my indisputable trust.